Passive Income- Writing for Ehow

Thursday, December 11, 2008 ·

There is online income, then there is online passive income. I like the idea of doing work once, then getting paid for it over and over. Last month I read about writing articles for eHow can be a source for passive income.

Today I completed two different surveys, which will pay me a combined $5.25. It took me about 30 minutes for the two. If I had taken the same amount of time and wrote an article for eHow, I could be making passive income from the article for as long as it can generate page views.
I am not a writer by any means, but I have written a total of 3 articles so far. The income comes when people read your article, then click on Adsense ads on the article page. This is hard work for me, but I am getting to enjoy it. I am an architectural restoration carpenter by trade, so I am going to be working on some articles in the home maintenance and repair genre. I also like to cook, so I will go there also.
There is an excellent ebook "How to earn Passive Income at Residual Income for Web Content Writers" written by Writergig who is currently making over $1500.00 per month with her eHow articles! I bought this because it was recommended by a blogger I respect and it didn't dissapoint. It's $25.00, but I figure the tips and pointers in there will pay back that investment in no time. Maria really delivers a lot of information in short, quick read reference book.
Check out and see if you get excited about the possibilities like I did. Click here to view more details


Maria said...
January 19, 2009 at 2:28 PM  

I am pleased you found my eHow eBook, "How to Earn Passive Income on Residual Income for Web Content Writers," helpful. I will be finishing the revised version this week and everyone who bought the first will receive the updated version free. Best of luck on eHow!

Anonymous said...
January 29, 2009 at 9:34 PM  

I agree that Maria's eBook has really inspired a lot of passive income earners including myselft.

Anonymous said...
February 2, 2009 at 1:58 AM  

The ebook by Writergig is fantastic. I've written 50 articles on ehow in the past week and hope to have this as another source of extra income.

Maria said...
February 3, 2009 at 11:23 AM  

For those who purchased the ebook before January 28 2009, I'd be happy to send you the updated version. Just email me at and let me know your email used for the original purchase.