I am pretty amped because I just became aware that I am in the middle of my best day of Adsense earnings to date. My WPMage sites continue to increase in traffic and Adsense impressions. I have even started to get a few Clickbank hops. One of my goals for February is to have two days earning over one dollar, and today is the first for the month. Again, it's not really the amount of earnings as much as the little baby steps of incremental increases. I have spent time over the last few days adding a few thousand posts to the various sites I have up and running so it will be interesting to see when those pages start getting some ranking in Google.
WPMage produces another dollar plus day
January 2010 Income Report
I have decided to start reporting my online income sources and amounts in an effort to motivate myself and hold myself accountable....so here is the first month's big numbers. I hope to look back on these reports in a few years and laugh at the journey, but I have to admit that it is a little scary putting these little numbers on this blog for anyone to see and laugh if they want to. How weird is that.
Here goes nothing:
January 2010
eHow earnings: (8 articles)- $ 3.89
Adsense- (28 Wpmage blogs) $ 5.87
Commission Junction: $ 0.00
Amazon Affiliate $ 0.00
Clickbank $ 0.00
Credit Union (account for online earnings) $0.02
Not quite a head long rush into cloning Tim Ferris, but I am started. Goal for February- more than $10.00 with two $1.00 days. This is embarrassing, but I am putting it out there.