I am pretty amped because I just became aware that I am in the middle of my best day of Adsense earnings to date. My WPMage sites continue to increase in traffic and Adsense impressions. I have even started to get a few Clickbank hops. One of my goals for February is to have two days earning over one dollar, and today is the first for the month. Again, it's not really the amount of earnings as much as the little baby steps of incremental increases. I have spent time over the last few days adding a few thousand posts to the various sites I have up and running so it will be interesting to see when those pages start getting some ranking in Google.
WPMage produces another dollar plus day
January 2010 Income Report
I have decided to start reporting my online income sources and amounts in an effort to motivate myself and hold myself accountable....so here is the first month's big numbers. I hope to look back on these reports in a few years and laugh at the journey, but I have to admit that it is a little scary putting these little numbers on this blog for anyone to see and laugh if they want to. How weird is that.
Here goes nothing:
January 2010
eHow earnings: (8 articles)- $ 3.89
Adsense- (28 Wpmage blogs) $ 5.87
Commission Junction: $ 0.00
Amazon Affiliate $ 0.00
Clickbank $ 0.00
Credit Union (account for online earnings) $0.02
Not quite a head long rush into cloning Tim Ferris, but I am started. Goal for February- more than $10.00 with two $1.00 days. This is embarrassing, but I am putting it out there.
Back to reality In Internet Marketing
After the little high of making my first One Dollar day on Sunday, I got a reality check yesterday when my efforts resulted in absolutely nada. Not one cent!
I guess nothing builds on a even trajectory, especially when trying to figure out the internet marketing deal. One more time, as a reminder to my self,
Just keep your head down, do the work, and the results will come.
I have the feeling I am going to get really tired of saying that! ha ha ha. But, then again, I may be able to look back on these early entries on this blog and really enjoy the struggle that exists now. I just gotta keep going.
I am going to write an ehow article tonight, in an effort to bring different income streams along at the same time. I heard a guy online the other day saying to think of independent income as a greek temple with rows of columns holding up the roof. Every different income stream is like a column, they all work together to increase carrying capacity and long term strength. I thought it was a cool analogy.
My first Dollar day!
After building approximately thirty WPMage websites since December 1, 2009, I have just had my very first day that I earned over a dollar in Adsense earnings!
I am amazed how such a small amount of money can make you feel. I am very encouraged as a lot of my little sites begin to get traction with Google and the traffic is starting to build.
I am confident that six months down the road I will have replaced a nice percentage of my income with passive income earned online.
Gotta keep working on something every day.
These Firms Could Skyrocket -- And How to Own a Piece of All of Them...
Trying to find untapped corners of the market has become increasingly challenging for exchange-traded funds (ETFs), but fund issuers have been up to the challenge.
One particularly inventive offering by Van Eck fills a conspicuous gap for gold bulls -- and the timing couldn't have been better.
There are several options for investors seeking exposure to world-class miners: there's Goldcorp (NYSE: GG), which I pointed out to readers in July. Market Vectors Gold Miners ETF (NYSE: GDX), is another one we've talked about. Smaller "junior" gold miners have been off the ETF radar, until now -- which is unfortunate, because they outshine all others in a gold rally.
Profits and Pitfalls
For years, many junior miners were more speculation bets than investments.
These smaller gold miners just don't have the stable income, generous lines of credit or huge gold reserves that their big brothers have. Many are still in the early exploration and development stages and don't have much to show for their efforts.
But what some may see as a handicap can act as the exact opposite in the growth department. Say a junior miner discovers a promising deposit in the Australian outback -- this can send shock waves through the market -- and juice profits for many years to come.
NovaGold Resources (NYSE: NG), for example, might not have much in the way of revenue yet. But the firm does have a 50% stake in Alaska's 27,000-acre Donlin Creek project. When the mine opens for business, it will yield 1.5 million ounces of gold each year for the next 12 years.
That future production stream (and the promise of more around the bend) has propelled the shares on a powerful +288% run this year.
Charts like this show NovaGold's incredible run (and believe me, it's not the only one) and it's why I'm so intrigued with junior miners.
From Speculation to A Compelling 'Buy'
Junior miners carry unique risks -- but the rewards can be great. And now, a new ETF gives you a chance to own more than three dozen of them...
The ETF is called Market Vectors Junior Gold Miners (Nasdaq: GDXJ), and its well-rounded portfolio should help minimize the risks associated with junior miners while maximizing their rewards.
GDXJ isn't the speculative bet that owning shares of an individual junior miner can sometimes be. The fund will still be somewhat volatile, but won't crash when a company has funding difficulties or trouble obtaining a permit somewhere. The fund holds junior miners operating in six different countries, so there's plenty of regional diversity, too.
These junior miners are leveraged to gold bullion prices -- just like the big boys. When prices go up or down, so go the shares. But it also wouldn't surprise me to see several of these junior miners get acquired or sign lucrative partnership deals with bigger firms. And that can send shares soaring.
At the Top of 2010's Watch List
They're not exactly making any more of the yellow metal these days -- even with the improved technology. New gold discoveries typically exceeded 40 million ounces each year during the mid to late-90s, according to Van Eck, GDXJ's sponsor. Now, the gold industry is lucky to find one quarter of that each year.
It stands to reason that when gold prices are climbing, these junior miners and their shareholders could have the most to gain. That's why these powerful little producers will be at the top of my watch list for 2010.
GDXJ is a nice addition to the ETF menu for gold investors. As I said, the fund takes some of the speculation out of owning junior miners, but its still suited to more aggressive investors looking for more octane.
The next time you hear somebody say a company is sitting on a potential goldmine -- keep in mind, these junior miners really are.
Good Investing!
Nathan Slaughter
Chief Investment Strategist
The ETF Authority
A New Approach
On December 1, 2009 purchased the WPmang software and program by a guy named Greg Jacobs. Being pretty spendy, I decided that I really need to give it my full dedication. So far, it's a month into it and I'm beginning to see some clicks and traffic and a little bit of Adsense income. The more I get into the Internet marketing realm, I'm beginning to realize one thing. The dedication and the work are way more important than the vendor program. I know it's old news but absolutely nothing happens and no money is made if you don't just grind it out and do the work day after day until you see some results. It's a mental game. It's way easier pursue the next shiny thing that comes down the pike which promises you can make 1 million bucks overnight.
It's not romantic, but it really is just about conquering the mental hurdle of just doing the work. Plain and simple. Greg's program is solid in my opinion, but it's hard work to put hours and hours into making websites, when every day the stats say the same thing. Zero, zilch, nada. I guess this isn't very encouraging, but hey it's honest. I've been messing around with this rubbish for a few years but have never really stuck to any one thing long enough to give it a fair shake.
Everybody, including myself is looking for a silver bullet, that will allow independent income and financial freedom. I guess this post is reminder to both myself and anybody who reads it but there's no silver bullet is just all about the work.
Yesterday I made $.46 in Adsense earnings. That's quite an accomplishment! I have to laugh at myself but these very small victories are enough to keep me motivated to keep learning and working in the IM field. This year I am looking forward to a shoulder surgery that I've needed for a couple of years and I would like to be on a bit of a roll making money online before I have to sit on my butt for three months letting my shoulder heal. My plan is to use that time to to build upon the foundations that are happening right now my Internet marketing as I heal.
So I don't know if this is encouraging to anyone or if anyone will ever read this, but, if no one ever does, then I say to myself "Keep your head down, keep working, and good things will happen."